
Friday, August 6, 2010

Steampunk Round Up

Okay folks there is a veritable plethora of Steampunk stuff out there. From stories to gadgets to get togethers there is so much that no one person can do or see it all.  So as I cruise the Aethernet I gather stories and tidbits to bring to you my stalwart readers. Here is my first collection of Miscelania gathered to interest, inspire and otherwise titillate your pallet. I give you the first Aethernet Steampunk Round up:

Here is a fascinating collection of Masks and Helmets created by various artisans.

Looks like 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea will be a huge Steampunk remake. Remember don't expect the book, let the movie be it's own thing and you will be more likely to like it.

For those who have followed Girl Genius for years it looks like good things are happening:

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Steampunked Computers here is a very cool collection:

Okay here is a creative challenge for those who do this kind of thing. Go to the link and click on How PT Works and it will give you the rules, DUE BY AUG 31, 2010 :

For RPG enthusiasts! Table top quick playing Steampunk RPG and it's FREE:

I'm not an Apple enthusiast, however I find this a suitable use of an iPad:

OMG! I so love Steampunk GEEKY goodness and this is all of that and MORE! A Steampunk Globe hooked to Google Maps through a tablet PC! Soooooooo Cool! is an AWESOME site, if you want to know how to make something start there first.  You will likely find easy to follow directions on how to do it so you don't have to reinvent the wheel! Here is a cool little Steampunk Clockwork bristle bot, how very very cool!

So there you have it Ladies and Gentlemen, a little bit of inspiration, some DIY goodies, and some old fashioned Geeky goodness.

Your Friend and Companion in Adventure,
The Stitchkateer

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